Thin Layer Chromatography  process in which compounds are separated on a thin layer of adsorbent material, typically a coating of silica gel on a glass plate or plastic sheet.                          Kit consist of a movable applicator with built-in thickness arrangement between 0 to 2 mm., with electroplated brass spreader (applicator); Perspex base of size 114 x 23 cm. to support glass plates; Anodized aluminium plate rack for ten plates of size 20 x 20 cm. or 20 x 10 cm. Developing Tank with lid, perspex spotting template, T.L.C. Plates-set of five 20 x 20 cm. and two 20 x 5 cm. or set of ten 20 x10 cm. and two 20 x 5 cm.; Glass sprayer with rubber bellow cap 100 ml., Micro pipette, Scriber for marking lines with stainless steel tip. Supplied complete with instruction manual.

Accessories for T.L.C. apparatus:

  1. T.L.C. master sheet for direct reading of RF values.
  2. Perspex spotting template.
  3. Anodized aluminium plate rack to take ten plates.
  4. Aluminium anodized plate rack in color gold, blue or red.
  5. Stainless steel plate rack to take two plates 20 x 20 cm. vertically for developing.
  6. Stainless steel plate rack to take five plates of 20 x 20 cm. for drying or developing. Each rack with two lifting handles one for carrying the plates horizontally for drying and the other for vertically when the rack is used in the developing tank.
  7. Glass plates all sides ground for T.L.C. Size 20 x 20 cm., 20 x 10 cm., 20 x 5 cm.
  8. Chromatography Tank with stainless steel cover, for plates of size 20 x 5 cm, 20 x 10 cm, 20 x 20 cm.
  9. Glass Sprayer with rubber bellow.
SKU: PM-225 Category: