About Us

Founded in 1995, PVG INTERNATIONAL is a business entity originating from India. Initially starting as a single-owner enterprise engaged in the production and global distribution of a diverse array of goods, it has since evolved into one of India’s premier producers and international suppliers of consumables used in Laboratories, Scientific research, Medical procedures and Surgeries.

PVG INTERNATIONAL  is a leading and Most Reliable Manufacturer & Exporter of these products in the field of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Glassware, Electronics, Plasticware, Pharmacy, Surgical and Hospital Equipment  from India.

We Produce more than 5000 Products in these above subjects. We have our well equipped two Manufacturing units Located in Ambala, Haryana, India.

Today PVG INTERNATIONAL is a Trusted name in the Field of Educational Scientific Goods, supplying to several customers across the world with their Best satisfaction.


WHY Choose Us

PVG INTERNATIONAL exports its products to over 48 countries including South East Asian Countries, Australia, Middle East Countries, African Countries and America.

The company’s policy is to continue to expand its product range by responding to the customer’s ever changing needs, with a total commitment to science and industry.

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