1) Batrachospermum vegetative
2) Batrachospermum cystocarpic
3) Chara apical tip VS median in high power
4) Cladophora WM
5) Dictyota Apical dichotomy WM low power
6) Dictyota thallus TS low power
7) Fucus male conceptacle VS
8) Fucus female conceptacle VS
9) Oedogonium holdfast in high power
10)Oedogonium macrandrous male and female WM
11) Oedogonium nanandrous male and female WM
12) Oedogonium vegetative filament WM
13) Spirogyra vegetative filament WM
14) Spirogyra scalariform conj. early stage
15) Spirogyra scalariform conj. late stage
16) Spirogyra indirect lateral conj. beak formation
17) Ulothrix sexual and veg. Stages
18) Volvox male colony WM
19) Female colony WM
20) Daughter colonies in mother WM
21) Volvox fresh in low power
22) Vaucheria with an antheridium and oogonia WM
23) Vaucheria germinating zoospores WM.
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