PVG’s Human Torso sexless are a good human anatomy educational tool makes learning the location of the human organs easy. This is Physical representation of the human torso without any external genitalia. The model showcases the intricate details of the human torso, including the lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, and other vital organs.
Perfect Model Used for classroom teaching in elementary, high school and college in Biology or Anatomy Classes. Students can understand internal organs and their position in body. , This model is a valuable source for students of all ages to educate with ease.
Some organs are removable also allowing easy observation of the organs for closer examination and understanding of their individual structures and functions.
The model is clearly labelled with the names of various organs and anatomical structures key card, making it easy to identify and learn about each organ.
These models are Economical, light weight can be carried easily cost less in transportation too,
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