MS-131 PVG TICKER TAPE TIMERS Simple, Safe and Easy to use. A.C. and D.C. models

Produces a visual record of linear motion by the dotted tape for velocity
and acceleration calculations. The A.C. ticker tape timer based on an
electromagnet (12 V A.C.) which causes dots spaced at 1/50 or 1/60
second intervals, with two 4 mm. sockets at 19 mm. spacing.
It has a spring-loaded armature which vibrates above a support table
for a carbon paper disc. Paper tape, drawn through guides on the table,
is truck by a dotting- screw carried on the armature. Fitted with a
rectifier and pair of 4 mm. sockets at 19 mm. spacing. Electrical supply
required 12 V A.C. 50 Hz and 12 V D.C. Ticker Tape width 9 mm. in rolls
of approx. 300 m. long held in Plastic bracket on stable base with rod.
Supplied complete with carbon paper discs and instructions.
• Also Available with large black plastic base with square large bracket
to hold paper tape roll.

SKU: MS-131 TICKER TAPE TIMERS Simple, Safe and Easy to use. A.C. and D.C. models Category: