1) Amoeba,

2) Paramecium,

3) Hydra,

4) Earthworm,

5) Malarial parasite,

6) Life History of Mosquito,

7) Life History of Housefly,

8) Life History of Butterfly,

9) Life History of Honey Bee,

10) Life History of Silkworm,

11) Life History of Liver Fluke,

12) Organs and systems of Cockroach,

13) Frog and Rabbit,

14) Structure of Animal Cell and DNA,

15) Organic Evolution,

16) Meiosis.

17) In sets of -Zoology – set of 30 or set of 50,

18) Animal Kingdom -set of 30,

19) Chick Embryology – set of 20,

20) Life History of Mosquito- set of 10,

21) Mammals – set of 30 etc.

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