
377 Formaldehyde solution (37-41%)A.R. (Formalin) Pb 500 ml
378 Formaldehyde solution (37-41%) A.R Pb 2.5 l
379 Formic scid – 85% Gb 500 ml
380 Fouchet’s reagent (For bile pigment bilirubin) Gb 125 ml
381 D(-) Fructose (Laevulose) Gb 100 gm
382 Fuchsin basic M.S. (Basic fuchsin) Gb 25 gm
383 Fusion mixture Pb 500 gm
384 Gallic acid Pb 250 gm
385 Gentian violet powder Gb 25 gm
386 Gentian violet powder Gb 100 gm
387 Gentian violet aqueous solution Pb 125 ml
388 Gentian violet alcoholic solution Gb 125 ml
389 Giemsa’s stain M.S. Gb 10 gm
390 Giemsa’s stain solution Gb 125 ml
391 D-glucose anhydrous  I.P. (Dextrose anhydrous) Pb 500 gm
392 D-glucose anhydrous  (Dextrose anhydrous) Pb 500 gm
393 D-glucose anhydrous  (Dextrose anhydrous) Pb 5 kg
394 D-glucose anhydrous A.R. (Dextrose anhydrous) Pb 500 gm
395 D-glucose monohydrate I.P. (Dextrose monohydrate) Pb 500 gm
396 D-glucose monohydrate (Dextrose monohydrate) Pb 500 gm
397 Glucose stock standard 1% Gb 125 ml
398 Glycerine I.P. Gb 500 ml
399 Glycerine (Glycerol) Pb 500 ml
400 Glycerine (Glycerol) Pb 2.5 l
401 Glycerine A.R. Gb 500 ml
402 Glycine (Amino acetic acid) Pb 250 gm
403 Gram’s colour staining kit 4x 125 ml
404 Gram’s iodine solution Gb 125 ml
405 Gum acacia Pb 500 gm
406 Haematoxylin stain powder Gb 5 gm
407 Haematoxylin stain solution (Delafield’s) Gb 125 ml
408 Haematoxylin stain solution (Harris’s) Pb 125 ml
409 Haemoglobin standard (Cyanmethamoglobin) Gb 10 ml
410 Heptane (Fraction from petroleum) Gb 500 ml
411 Heptane Gb 2.5 l
412 n-Heptane Gb 500 ml
413 n-Heptane Gb 2.5 l
414 Hexamine Pb 500 gm
415 Hexane (Fraction from petroleum) Gb 500 ml
416 Hexane Gb 2.5 l
417 n-Hexane HPLC Gb 1 l
418 n-Hexane HPLC Gb 2.5 l
419 Hydrazine sulphate Gb 100 gm
420 Hydrochloric acid (Thermocole pack) (4 X 500 Ml) Gb 500 ml
421 Hydrochloric acid (Thermocole pack) Gb 2.5 l
422 Hydrochloric acid Jc 5 l
423 Hydrochloric acid A.R. (Thermocole pack) (4 X 500 Ml) Gb 500 ml
424 Hydrochloric acid A.R. (Thermocole pack) Gb 2.5 l
425 Hydrochloric acid N/1 Pb 500 ml
426 Hydrochloric acid N/10 Pb 500 ml
427 Hydrochloric acid N/10 Jc 5 l
428 Hydrofluoric acid – about 40% Pb 500 ml
429 Hydrofluoric acid about 48% Pb 500 ml
430 Hydrogen peroxide 20 Vol. (6%) Pb 1 l
431 Hydrogen peroxide 20 Vol. (6%) Jc 5l
432 Hydrogen peroxide 100 Vol. (30%) Pb 500 ml
433 Hydroquinone Pb 250 gm
434 Hydroxylammonium chloride (Hydroxylamine hydrochloride) Gb 100 gm
435 Imidazole Pb 100 gm
436 Indicator paper pH 2.0 -10.5 Ap 200 Is
437 Indicator paper Narrow range pH 2.0-4.5 Ap 200 Is
438 Indicator paper-Narrow range pH 3.5-6. Ap 200 Is
439 Indicator paper-Narrow range pH 3.8-5.4(For electroplating industries) Ap 200 Is
440 Indicator paper-Narrow range pH 5.0-7.5 Ap 200 Is
441 Indicator paper-Narrow range pH 6.5-9.0 Ap 200 Is
442 Indicator paper-Narrow range pH 8.0-10.5 Ap 200 Is
443 Indicator paper-Wide range pH 0.0-10.0 Ap 200 Is
444 Indicator solution pH 4-11 Gb 125 ml
445 Indicator solution pH 9-14 Pb 125 ml
446 Indicator solution pH 9-14 Pb 500 ml
447 Indole – 3 – acetic acid (IAA) Gb 5 gm
448 Indole – 3- butyric acid (IBA) Gb 5 gm
449 Iodine indicator powder Pb 50 gm
450 Iodine monochloride Ap 2×50 gm
451 Iodine resublimed Gb 100 gm
452 Iodine solution 10% W/V Gb 2.5 l
453 Iodine solution 20% W/V Gb 2.5 l
454 Iodine Solution N/10 Gb 500 ml
455 Iron filings Pb 1 kg
456 Iso amyl alcohol (Amyl alcohol iso) (For milk testing) Gb 500 ml
457 Iso amyl alcohol Gb 2.5 l
458 Isooctane A.R. Gb 500 ml
459 Isopropyl alcohol (Electronic grade) (Propan – 2- ol) Gb 2.5 l
460 Isopropyl alcohol (Propan – 2 – ol) Pb 500 ml
461 Isopropyl alcohol Pb 2.5 l
462 Isopropyl alcohol A.R. (Propan – 2 – ol) Gb 500 ml
463 Isopropyl alcohol A.R. Gb 2.5 l
464 Isopropyl alcohol HPLC (Propan – 2- ol) Gb 1l
465 Isopropyl alcohol HPLC Gb 2.5 l
466 Isotonic sodium sulphate copper sulphate solution Pb 500 ml
467 J.S.B. stain solution No. 1 Pb 125 ml
468 J.S.B. stain solution No. 2 Pb 125 ml
469 Karl fischer reagent (Pyridine based) 4x 125 ml
470 Karl fischer reagent (Pyridine free single solution) Gb 250 ml
471 Karl fischer reagent (Twin pack) Gb 2x250ml
472 Karl fischer reagent (Pyridine free single solution) Gb 500 ml
473 Lactic acid Gb 500 ml
474 Lacto phenol for microscopy Pb 500 ml
475 Lactose monohydrate Pb 500 gm
476 Lead acetate Pb 500 gm
477 Lead acetate paper Bp 200 ls
478 Lead carbonate Pb 500 gm
479 Lead chloride Pb 500 gm
480 Lead foil C 100 gm
481 Lead monoxide (Litharge) Pb 500 gm
482 Lead nitrate Pb 500 gm
483 Lead peroxide (Lead dioxide) Pb 500 gm
484 Lead subacetate (Lead acetate basic) Pb 500 gm
485 Lead subacetate (Lead acetate basic) Pb 5 kg
486 Leishman’s stain powder M.S Gb 25 gm
487 Leishman’s stain solution (Stain and solvent separate) Gb 250ml
488 Leishman’s stain solution (Stain and solvent separate) Gb 500 ml
489 Lishman’s stain solution (Stain and solvent separate) Gb 2.5 l
490 Leishman’s stain solution -improved (With buffer) Gb 250 ml
491 Leishman’s stain solution -improved (With buffer) Gb 500 ml
SKU: 268 Category: