To produce high purity pyrogen free distilled water. Borosilicate glass comprises of horizontal type boiler, coil condenser, constant level device, silica sheathed heaters along with stand and clamps. All parts are replaceable.
Replacement parts
(i) Boiling Chamber
(ii) Horizontal type
(iii) Condenser Vacuum.
(iv) Constant
(v) Receiver Adapter
(vi) Heater
Good Quality, Compact, Easy to use.
Economical and Safe for College and General Laboratory use.
Powder coated metal stand for rust free operation.
Easy to clean the boiler after use.
Removes water miscible organics and ionisable inorganic imurities, as well as colloidal solids from water.

Cat. No. Description 
34.01 Single Distillation without cut off
34.02 Single Distillation with cut off
34.03 Double Distillation with cut off
34.04 Double Distillation without cut off