1)  Typical flower with parts

2)  Fertilization i.e. germination of pollen grains

3)  T.S. Anther and its development

4) Germination of pollen grain and development of male Gametophyte

5)  Megasporogenesis

6)  Development of embryo and endosperms

7)  Microsporangium

8)  Types of embryo sacs

9)  Forms of androecium

10)  Forms of Gynoecium

11)  Development of Monocot embryo

12)  Placentation

13)  L.H. Datura

14)  Inflorescence Part-I simple Racemose and Cymose

15)  Inflorescence Part-II compound and special

16)  Pollination various types

17)  Forms of ovules

18)  Forms of Calyx & corolla.

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