Rheostat is An electrical instrument used to control a current by varying the resistance.
Rheostat A variable resistor which is used for controlling the flow of electric current either by increasing or decreasing the resistance.
In order to change the resistance of the rheostat, the effective length needs to be changed with the help of sliding contact.
Rheostat, adjustable resistor used in applications that require the adjustment of current or the varying of resistance in an Electric circuit.
Variable Sliding open type Rheostat, Sliding contact is moved smoothly over the constant wire wound on the Porcelain ceramic pipe. There are two permanent terminals in which one of them is connected to the slider. Brass rod on which slider moves, clamped with two bakelite or Metal feet.
- The rheostat is used as a voltage divider.
- The rheostat also finds applications as a variable resistive load.
- In lighting circuits, the rheostats find applications as a dimming device.
- The study of electrical equipment and circuits become easy with the use of the rheostat as different current and voltage can be studied.
These rheostats find applications in laboratories in research and teaching.
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