With a wide flat top to guide the sectioning razor. Cutting table 65 mm diameter. Central well diameter 23 mm. Operated by milled, graduated knob ratchet with positive click stop at interval of 10 mm.1div =10 m. Graduated in 10 – micron increments and advances 500 microns for each turn. Overall height 85 mm. Complete with –

One knife honing glass plate, One oil can for lubrication and One knife holder tightening key .

Technical Specification


From 1 to 50 Micron in step of 1 micron

Total Feed excursion

28 mm

Scale length

37×25 mm.

Time Period

400 x 250 x 175 mm.

Overall Dimensions

400 x 250 x 175


25 kg

SKU: MG-135 Category: